Monday, September 22, 2008

What a year What a day i'm a daddy Hooray!!!

The past few weeks have been simply mossi like. My brother Alma came to stay with us for a few days. Then Our good Cousin Kristen came out for a visit and just yesterday MOM Faris came to say Hello. I've been back in school, only this time i'm out here in good ole fullerton. Still doing the junior college thing since our plans to go to BYU I changed. Its a funny thing the way this life works. Oh good news I found out i'm gonna be a Daddy, so heres the story in a nutshell.
We were playing this cool new game at the schultz's on sunday of few weeks ago when Katie Schultz ben's wife leans over to sharla and says, "Are you pregnant?" and of course sharla replied, " No not that i know of!," and then kate says, " oh thats weird my tummy just sort has this prego radar whenever someone around is pregnant." This is what got sharla thinking. So the next day I hear a shrill cry of astonishment coming from the bathroom, " Mossi!!!! Come tell me if I'm seeing things and Sure enough the pee stick read positive." Secretly i was jumping up and down inside but i kept it cool and said, " I think it means we're gonna have a baby." so a few sticks later and a few weeks into it we are now officially out of the closet and pregnant.. Wow talk about holy crap what am i gonna do now. Anybody have any pointers... Hope so.. Ill need all I can get so for the past few days. All i've been thinking about is how I am gonna do, I really reallly really hope I do this right.....

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Okay its time to expand my creative horizons and make this blog more interesting the only thing is I dont really know where to start. You know when you wanna do something but you just dont have the resources to do it and it really pisses you off because you know that you could do it very well. Yeah thats where I am at I am trying to figure out how to be a more positive contributor to society but the task has proven to be a bit challenging than I thought I mean whats the deal... so instead ill just complain.. There i feel better.

The fondest memory

So I got to thinking and I realized wow i've been married for over a year now almost two. So i says to myself "Self you are a man In love..." Hey!I know I am but Wouldn't you be too?

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The weeks summary

March 30th

SO last week was easter and it was a lot of fun we went to Harry’s place and to start off and then went out to Nils and Rainy’s house to decorate eggs and have an easter feast.
I was stoked to color eggs. You know, it just takes you back.. any wasys I decided to be dumb and color my egg black with a sharpie but it was the envy of all the other eggs it was tight. The week flew by and here we are at Sunday again. I have successfully stayed up all night. Writing music and trying to give it away on myspace and facebook. I don’t know it’s just my favorite past time. I put it all up for free and the only reason why I get away staying up so late is because Sharla is gone for the weekend. Her and all the sisters got together in mesquite nv for a fun weekend out.. I’m glad they did. I think those types of things are important. Yo gabba starts again in the next few weeks so that’s exciting 0h and some other great news. I got into BYU Idaho. How cool is that so you know we’ll probably be moving up there in the fall after Sharla graduates and stuff.. I’m super excited I’m kinda nervous at the same time too. I hope I can keep up the grades and do well you know… Well the eyes are starting to droop and my head is getting heavy so I guess I should probably go to bed. But first I shall do the laundry before Sharla gets home…… Latz

Random rant

March 16,2008- Sundays are always good, and today was one of them. The weather has been nice and last night it rained. One of the good things about living in Loma Linda is that the hillsides in the spring time are an emrald green and they roll forever. Its really beautiful. Charlie and I went on a hike this morning and shortly after that I went to church with Sharla. It was good and today I was sustained as the new Young Mens Secretary in the Young Mens Presidency. I don’t exactly know what that means as far as my duties go but it does make me feel older and more responsible. I went to priests quorum and it was so awkward. I thought I would be better in a calling like this but I find myself being more nervous and insecure. In a way I find it difficult to serve these guys because I myself feel just like them. It doesn’t feel like that long ago that I was in their shoes and is almost too familiar. I guess the Lord knows best on the matter. Recently I’ve been thinking a lot on the different principles of my life that seem to be weighing on my soul the most. Things like what I want to improve on or what makes me happy or where do I see myself in the near future, only I’ve really been pondering more than usual on all of these things and to be honest it is stressful and nerve racking. Right now we live in one bedroom apt in southern California and by the grace of god have been able to make our 1100 dollar rent on time every month without being late.(Not to mention all the other bills that are due as well.) At times it can be ominous. Really I give Sharla all the credit because she is so talented with the finances.All in all its all good but I cant wait to figure out how we will survive for the rest of our life together….

Friday, March 14, 2008

Woah sweet movie

SO I'm wrapping up my spring break right now, tonight is friday already, holy crap it went by way too fast... I went golfing twice this week with ethan and carl, Man that was freakin funny Uncle Carly on the golf course doesnt get much better than that. That guy could make anyone laugh while golfing, The old fart is fun to hang out with.. I shot a 119 on monday and then on thursday i shot a freakin 104 thats a new record for me.. Maybe next time I'll actually get under 100. That'll be a first. I've been doing alot of soul pondering lately too and I feel like my life is definately moving in ways i hadn't foreseen. I mean I have an awesome wife, I'm in school full time, and I actually will be transfering somewhere soon. I think I feel like I'm finally growing up, Its weird cuz my prioties have totally changed. I mean I actually care about paying bills and going to school how crazy is that huh... The missionaries came for dinner tonight and they gave us a sweet member lesson and challenge, they challenged us to find someone to share the gospel with this week... I'm up for the challenge.. but who wants to listen too little old me.. oh and today I spent the evening with my beautiful wife. We're pretty good at date night. Tonight we saw Horton Hears a who it was hilarious.I definately recomend it. In fact I give it to Polynesian Thumbs up.. Sharla also got flowers for our house. They add quite a nice accent to our living room and smell good too. They're yellow daffodiles and purple iris's these of course go along with all the other wonderful plants in our home.The major hope is to one day have our own arboratum..I'm pretty exausted I wont lie so I think ill go jump into our new queen sized bed.. I brought it here to loma linda from glendora on side streets all the way. I had to go slow cuz it was really windy outside and so it wouldnt fall off our little 2001 Honda Accord.. All in all the week has been eventful.. Welll seeya soon.... Heres some old pics of fun...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My Mind is buzzing and I think I have restless leg syndrome

So, for the past few nights I have been going to bed at unreasonable hours. Not for any reason in particular but yesterday I saw a comercial on t.v. which led to this my self diagnosis... I believe I have what is called restless leg syndrome. Now I havent done any research on the matter but all the symptoms sounded like me.... It said something like creepy crawlys and itchy legs, itchies that come from nowhere and only occur when you are trying to get to bed... Yah.. I think they all apply to me but to be sure I guess I'll have to do some more research.. A few days ago Sharla and I went to the norton simon museum for the first time. It was preatty relaxing I wont lie. I also took a few pics around pasadena. Heres a few..